Mountain Ascents App (Windows Store): Privacy Policy Statement

Personal data we collect

We do not collect any personal data, neither locally nor on the cloud.

The data we collect locally, on the machine running the app, is stored in a local store.

The persistence of data is ensured via a local store, a tiny SQLite database, which is created the first time you launch the application, in a Windows local store associated with the app. Erasing the App erases the local store.

The local store contains one table with fields related to mountains: Mountain Name, Height, Coordinates, Prominence, Parent Mountain, date of FirstAscent, number of ascents to date.

The app allows you to edit those fieds in existing mountains, or to add an entirely new mountain.

Data on mountains are not private data, by definition.

Admittedly, nothing precludes the user to enter personal data in one or more editable fields. Rest assured: the data of the MontainAscents' local store is not broadcasted in any way: it always stays in your machine. Furthermore, Windows completely shields your computer from it.

How we use personal data

Not applicable. We do not collect, broadcast or transmit any personal data.

Reasons we share personal data

Not applicable. We do not share any data with anyone, including personal data.

How to access and control your personal data

Not applicable. We do not store personal data.

Cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device to store data that can be recalled by a web server in the domain that placed the cookie.

We do not use cookies.

We do use a local data store, associated with the app, that stores mountain data (as explained above).